Brand Mapper Tool in Partly PIM

Explore a seamless and user-friendly experience with the Brand Mapper, empowering catalog managers to effortlessly manage their brands. Follow these steps to get started

Easy Steps:

Access the brand mapper page via settings on the main menu:

Start by typing out your brand in the search box, if we already have it available in the Partly Catalog, you can select it from the dropdown list:

You will be notified if your brand already exists:

If you introduce a new brand to the PIM, scroll to the bottom and click on the 'Submit brand' button. 


Complete the brand submission form. The catalog team will process your request and let you know when your brand is available in the PIM to assign data to. This means when you add new products, the brand will be available to link to in the Partly Catalog (GAPC).


Brands you own will show up on the brand mapper page:

Once your brand is added, head on over to the product page to add fitment for your parts! 

Key Improvements:

1. Filtered View for Brand Parts

One of the primary upgrades involves displaying a filtered view of parts specific to the selected brand. This ensures that users can easily identify and access part numbers without the need to exit the mapper. This improvement streamlines the user journey and makes the navigation process more intuitive.

2. Addressing Confusion with Similar Brand Names

To tackle confusion arising from brands with similar names, efforts have been made to incorporate additional information, including regionality and other relevant details. While this is primarily a data-related issue, we are actively working to enhance the user interface to better communicate brand distinctions.

3. More Information on Brands

Users can now access comprehensive information about brands, including descriptions, types, parent companies, etc. This additional data enriches the user's understanding of each brand, contributing to a more informed decision-making process.

4. Examples and External Links

Brand Mapper now provides examples and external links, such as eBay listings, for easy reference. In cases where no specific listing is available, a Google search is triggered using the brand (if provided) and the part number. This feature ensures that users have convenient access to relevant information.

5. Active Products Basis for Brands to Map List

The Brands to Map list is now based on active products, excluding soft-deleted items. This ensures that users are presented with the most up-to-date and relevant information during their brand mapping process.

6. Improved Search Functionality

The search functionality has been refined to prioritize exact matches over partial ones. Additionally, suggestions now include more accurate matches, reducing instances where users might not find the desired result. User feedback has been instrumental in these enhancements.

7. User-Selectable Sort Order

To offer a personalized experience, users can now choose the sort order according to their preferences. This customization feature allows users to organize and view the information in a way that best suits their needs.

8. Transparency in Entity Resolution

When a search value is resolved through Entity Resolution or brand ancestry, users are informed about the process. For instance, if a user enters "Ryco Racing" and it resolves to "Ryco," they are notified that the resolution has occurred, preventing any confusion about missing values.


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